Published Research.


A Proven Record Of Success






Book Chapters

Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio


Tristan's fascination with animal behavior is reflected in his research which has focused on group living and cognition, mainly working with sharks. Tristan completed his doctorate in Behavioral Ecology at the University of Leeds in 2010 after collecting field data for three years at the Sharklab, a research facility in The Bahamas. His thesis explored the social dynamics of lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris and resulted in six peer-reviewed publications in prestigious journals such as Animal Behavior, Animal Cognition and Fish and Fisheries. Following this, he was awarded a post-doctoral Endeavor Fellowship by the Australian Government and spent a year in Australia studying learning and memory in the Port Jackson shark. In January 2012, Tristan returned to The Bahamas as the Executive Director where he developed a research program studying the movement ecology and drivers of behavior for seven shark and ray species, and designed experiments exploring the causes and consequences of personality in the lemon shark. More recently, Tristan has enjoyed the challenge of working with one of the earth's most enigmatic and highly mobile predators the great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran. His research has revealed an important overwintering hotspot in the Bahamas and attracted global media attention. In 2018, Tristan, along with his wife Annie established Saving the Blue, a non-profit focused on improving the conservation status of imperiled sharks and rays providing educational opportunities to children, underprivileged and veterans.

Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio

Saving the Blue.


501 (c)(3) nonprofit


“To Recover And Restore A Variety Of Threatened Marine Species, While Connecting People To Ocean Wildlife. We Aim To Promote Green, Sustainable Living, Through Education And Outreach, Both In Person And Online.”


To learn more about Tristan’s current research please visit:




Over 20 years of hands on, in field experience

Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio
Tristan Guttridge - Dr Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Shark Expert - Shark Scientist - Shark Research - Shark Week - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - Lemon Shark - Bahamas - Andros - Bimini - Shark Tagging - Nonprofit - Marine Biology - Marine Bio


Journal Articles.


Peer-reviewed publications


74. Matich P, Guttridge AE, Carroll K, Bond ME, Keller BA, Guttridge TL2025. Variability in fishing practices across an island nation – a description of Bahamian fisheries based on interviews with fishers. Fisheries Management and Ecology. In Press

73. Guttridge TL, Heim V, Dedman S, Guttridge AE, Bain SA, Keller BA, Matich P. 2025. Stay or go? Space and resource use of the great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran) off Andros Island, The Bahamas. Frontiers in Marine Science. In Press

72. Guttridge TL, Matich P, Guttridge AE, Winton M, Dedman S, Skomal G. 2024. First evidence of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in the tongue of the ocean, central Bahamas. Frontiers in Marine Science. In Press

71. Heim V, Van Zinnicq-Bergmann M, Smukall M, & Guttridge TL. 2024. Multi-year tourism-related feeding reduces short- and long-term local space use in a marine apex predator. Animal Behaviour. In Press

70. Van Zinnicq-Bergmann M, Griffin L. Bodey T, Guttridge TL, Geert A, Heithaus M, Smukall M, Papastamatiou Y. 2024. Intraguild processes drive space-use patterns in a large-bodied marine predator community. Journal of Animal Ecology. In Press

69. Bullock R, Dedman S, Van Zinnicq-Bergmann M, Grimmel H, Cowx IG, Elliott M, Gruber SH, Guttridge TL. 2024A day in the life: Quantifying nursery habitat use in a coastal shark species. Animal Behaviour. 213: 219-234.

68. Heinrich DU, Dhellemmes F, Guttridge TL, Brown C, Huveneers C. 2023. No evidence of time–place learning in juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris. Animal Behaviour. 203: 75-88.

67. Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus MR, Heupel MR, MacNeil MA, Meekan M, Harvey E, .....Guttridge TL,…. & Wirsing, A. J. 2023. Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays. Science, 380(6650), 1155-1160. (150 scientists contributed to this global study). 

66. Heim V, Grubbs RD, Smukall MJ, Frazier BS, Carlson JK, & Guttridge TL. 2023. Observations of fin injury closure in Great Hammerheads and implications for the use of fin‐mounted geolocators. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 35:53-63.

65. Shipley ON, Matich P, Hussey NE, Brooks AML, Chapman DD, Frisk MG, Guttridge AE, Guttridge TG, Howey LA, Kattan S, Madigan DJ, O'Shea O, Polunin NV, Power M, Smukall MJ, Schneider EVC, Shea BD, Talwar BS, Winchester M, Brooks EJ and Gallagher AJ. 2023. Energetic connectivity of diverse elasmobranch populations–implications for ecological resilience. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Volume 290, Issue 1996.

64. Guttridge TL, Muller L, Keller B, Bond ME, Grubbs RD, Winram W, Howey L, Frazier B & Gruber SH. 2022. Vertical space use and thermal range of the Great Hammerhead, Sphyrna mokarran in the western North Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology. 101 4: 797-810.

63. Guttridge TL, Carroll KK, Guttridge AE, Matich P. 2022. Local ecological knowledge from Andros Island, The Bahamas reveals new insights on the distribution and use of Critically Endangered Smalltooth Sawfish, Pristis pectinata. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 32, 12: 1940-1952.

62. Smukall MJ, Seitz AC, Dhellemmes F, van Zinnicq Bergmann MP, Heim V, Gruber SH & Guttridge TL. 2022. Residency, Site Fidelity, and Regional Movement of Tiger Sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) at a Pupping Location in the Bahamas. Sustainability, 14(16), 10017.

61. Mcclain MA, Hammerschlag N, Gallagher AJ, Drymon M, Grubbs RD, Guttridge TL, Smukall MJ, Frazier B and Daly-Engel T. 2022. Age-dependent dispersal and relatedness in Tiger Sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier). Frontiers in Marine Science. In Press.

60. Bass N, Day J, Guttridge TL, Knott N, Brown C. 2022. Preliminary observations on the movement ecology of a crested horn shark (Heterodontus galeatus). Journal of Fish Biology. 100 (2), 582-585

59. Smukall MJ, Carlson J. Kessel ST, Guttridge TL, Dhellemmes F, Seitz AC, Gruber SH. 2022. Thirty-five years of tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier relative abundance near Bimini, Bahamas, and the Southeastern United States with a comparison across jurisdictional bounds. Journal of Fish Biology.

58. Talwar BS, Bradley D, Berry C, Bond ME, Bouyoucos IA, Brooks AM, Fields CY, Gallagher AJ, Guttridge TL, Guttridge AE, Hammerschlag N. 2022. Estimated life-history traits and movements of the Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi) in The Bahamas based on tag-recapture data. Marine Biology 169(5):1-9.

57. Postaire BD, Feldheim KA, Clementi GM, Quinlan J, van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Brooks EJ, Grubbs RD, Guttridge TL, Henderson D, Tavares R, Chapman DD. 2022. Small localized breeding populations in a widely distributed coastal shark species. Conservation Genetics, 23(1), 51-61.

56. van Zinnicq Bergmann MP, Guttridge TL, Smukall MJ, Adams VM, Bond ME, Burke PJ, Fuentes M, Heinrich D, Huveneers C, Papastamatiou YP .2022. Using movement models and systematic conservation planning to inform marine protected area design for a multi-species predator community. Biological Conservation, 266, 109469.

55. Smukall MJ, Guttridge TL, Dhellemmes F, Seitz AC, Gruber SH. 2021. Effects of leader type and gear strength on catches of coastal sharks in a longline survey around Bimini, The Bahamas. Fisheries Research. 240, 105989.

54. Bass CN, Day J, Guttridge TL, Mourier J, Knott NA, Vila Pouca C, Brown C. 2021. Residency and movement patterns of adult Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacks7ni) at a breeding aggregation site. Journal of Fish Biology.

53. Queiroz N, Humphries NE, Couto A, Vedor M, da Costa I, Sequeira AM, …Guttridge TL... Sims DW 2021. Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation. Nature 595: E20-E28.

52. Queiroz N, Humphries NE, Couto A, Vedor M, da Costa I, Sequeira AM, …Guttridge TL... Sims DW 2021. Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone. Nature 595: E8-E16.

51. Lowerre-Barbieri S, Friess C, Griffin LP, Morley D, Skomal G, Bickford J, Hammerschlag N, Rider M, Smukall M, van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Guttridge TL, Kroetz A, Grubbs D, Gervasi CL, Rehage JS, Poulakis GR, Bassos-Hull K, Gardiner J, Casselberry G, Young J, Perkinson M, Abercrombie D, Addis D, Block B, Acosta A, Adams A, Danylchuk A, Cooke S, Whoriskey F, and Brownscombe JW. 2021. Movescapes and eco-evolutionary movement strategies in marine fish: assessing a connectivity hotspot. Fish and Fisheries. 22(6), 1321-1344

50. Griffin LP, Casselberry GA, Lowerre-Barbieri SK, Acosta A, Adams AJ, Cooke SJ, Filous A, Friess C, Guttridge TL, Hammerschlag N, Heim V, Morley D, Rider MJ, Skomal GB, Smukall MS, Danylchuk A, Brownscombe JW. 2022. Predator-prey landscapes of large sharks and game fishes in the Florida Keys. Ecological Applications. e2584

49. Dhellemmes F, Smukall MJ, Guttridge TL, Krause J, Hussey N. 2021. Predator abundance drives the association between exploratory personality and foraging habitat risk in a wild marine meso-predator. Functional Ecology. 1972-1984.

48. Heim V, Dhellemmes F, Smukall MJ, Gruber SH, Guttridge TL. 2021. Effects of food provisioning on the daily ration and dive site use of great hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna mokarran. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:628469.

47. Bass N, Day J, Guttridge TL, Knott N, Brown C. 2021. Intraspecific variation in diel patterns of rocky reef use suggests temporal partitioning in Port Jackson sharks, Heterodontus portusjacksoni. Marine and Freshwater Research.

46. Clementi G, Babcock EA, Valentin-Albanese J, Bond ME, Flowers KI, Heithaus MR, Whitman ER, Van Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Guttridge TL, O’Shea O, Shipley O, Brooks EJ, Kessel ST, Chapman DD. 2021. Anthropogenic pressures on reef-associated sharks in jurisdictions with and without directed shark fishing. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 661, 175-186.

45. Heinrich D, Dhellemmes F, Guttridge TL, Smukall MJ, Brown C, Rummer J, Huveneers C. 2021. Short-term impacts of daily feeding on the residency, distribution, and energy expenditure of sharks. Animal Behavior. 172, 55-71.

44. Wueringer B, Winther-Janson M, Raoult V, Guttridge TL. 2020. Anatomy of the electrosensory ampullae of Lorenzini and mechanosensory lateral line canal in two species of sawshark (fam. Pristiophoridae). Journal of Fish Biology. 98 (1), 168-177.

43. Dhellemmes F, Finger JS, Smukall M, Gruber SH, Guttridge TL, Laskowski K, Krause J. 2020. Personality driven life-history trade-offs differ in two sub-populations of free ranging predators. Journal of Animal Ecology. 90 (1), 260-272.

42. MacNeil MA, Chapman D, Heupel M …. Guttridge TL et al. 2020. Global Status and Conservation Potential of Reef Sharks. Nature. 583 (7818), 801-806

41. Schwanck TN, Schweinsberg M, Lampert KP, Guttridge TL, Tollrian R, O’Shea O. 2020. Linking local movement and molecular analysis to explore philopatry and population connectivity of the southern stingray Hypanus americanus. Journal of Fish Biology. 96 (6), 1475-1488.

40. Dhellemmes F, Finger JS, Laskowski K, Guttridge TL, Krause J. 2020. Comparing behavioral syndromes in a free-ranging predator across ecological conditions. Animal Behavior. 162, 23-33.

39. Bohaboy E, Guttridge TL, Hammerschlag N, Van Zinnicq-Bergman M, Patterson W. 2020. Application of three-dimensional acoustic telemetry to assess the effects of rapid recompression on reef fish discard mortality. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 77 (1), 83-96

38. Grimmel HMV, Bullock RW, Dedman SL, Guttridge TL, Bond M. 2020. Assessment of faunal communities and habitat use within a shallow water system using non-invasive BRUVs methodology. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 5 (5), 224-233.

37. Bakker J, Wangensteen O, Baillie C, Buddo D, Chapman D, Gallagher A, Guttridge T, Hertler H, Stefano M. 2019. Biodiversity assessment of tropical shelf eukaryotic communities via pelagic eDNA metabarcoding. Ecology and Evolution. 9:14341–14355

36. Lear KO, Whitney NM, Morgan D, Brewster L, Whitty J, Poulakis G, Scharer R, Guttridge TL, Gleiss A. 2019. Habitat use affects the thermal performance response in free-ranging elasmobranchs. Oecologia. In Press

35. Queiroz N, et al. 2019. Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries. Nature (2019) July 24: 1 *Tristan is a co-author on this global scale publication that has attracted attention of the worlds media.

34. Donnelly K, Stacy N, Guttridge TL, Burns C, Mylniczenko, N 2019. Evaluation of comprehensive coelomic fluid analysis through coelomic pore sampling as a novel diagnostic tool in elasmobranchs. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 31 (2), 173-185.

33. Mylinzcenko N, Sumigama S, Whyffls J, Wheaton C, Guttridge TL, Penfold L 2019. Ultrasound and hormonal characterization of reproductive disease in wild and aquarium-housed southern stingrays (Hypanus americanus). American Journal of Veterinary Research. In Press

32. Hounslow J, Brewster L, Lear K, Guttridge TL, Daly R, Whitney N, Gleiss A 2019. Assessing the effects of sampling frequency on behavioral classification of accelerometer data. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 512, 22-30

31. Fuentes MPB, Gillis AJ, Ceriani SA, Guttridge TL, Van-Zinnicq Bergmann MPM, Smukall M, Gruber SH, Wildermann N. 2018. Informing marine protected areas in Bimini, Bahamas by considering hotspots for green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Biodiversity and Conservation. 1-15.

30. Smukall M, Kessel ST, Franks B, Feldheim K, Guttridge TL, Gruber SH. 2018. No apparent negative tagging effects after 13-years at liberty for shark implanted with acoustic transmitter. Journal of Fish Biology.

29. Brewster L, Dale J, Guttridge TL, Gruber SH, Hansell A, Elliott M, Cowx I, Whitney N, Gleiss A. 2018. Development and Application of a Machine Learning Algorithm for Classification of Elasmobranch Behaviour from Accelerometry Data. Marine Biology. 165 (4), 62

28. Finger JS, Guttridge TL, Wilson A, Gruber SH, Krause J. 2018. Are some sharks more social than others? Short- and long-term consistencies in the social behavior of juvenile lemon sharks. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology. 72:17. 

27. Hansell AC, Kessel ST, Brewster LR, Gruber SH, Cadrin SX, Skomal G, Guttridge TL. 2018. Local indicators of abundance trends and demographics for the coastal shark assemblage of Bimini, The Bahamas. Fisheries Research.

26. Bakker J, Wangensteen O, Chapman DD, Boussarie G, Buddo D, Guttridge TL, Hertler H, Mouillot D, Vigliola L & Mariani S. 2017. Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals association between shark diversity and abundance and levels of anthropogenic impact. Scientific Reports, 7: #16886.

25. Mourier J, Bass N, Guttridge TL, Day J, Brown C. 2017. Does detection range matter for inferring social networks in a benthic shark using acoustic telemetry? Royal Society Online 4: 170485.

24. Kessel ST, Fraser J, Van Bonn B, Brooks JL, Guttridge TL, Hussey NE, Gruber SH. 2017. Transcoelomic expulsion of an ingested foreign object by a carcharhinid shark. Marine and Freshwater Research.

23. Stump K, Crooks CJ, Fitchett MD, Gruber SH, Guttridge TL. 2017. Hunted hunters: an experimental test of the effects of predation risk on juvenile lemon shark habitat use. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

22. Hussey N, DiBattista JD, Moore JW, Ward EJ, Fisk AT, Kessel ST, Guttridge TL, Feldheim KA, Franks BR, Gruber SH, Weideli OC, Chapman DD. 2017. Risky business for juvenile marine predator? An indirect test of the influence of foraging strategies and natural selection on size and growth rate in the wild. Proceedings of Royal Society. 284: 20170166. 

21. Guttridge TL, Van Zinnicq-Bergmann M, Bolte C, Howey-Jordan L, Kessel ST, Brooks J, Bond ME, Winram W, Jordan LK, Cashman R, Tolentino E, Grubbs RD, Gruber SH. 2017. Philopatry and regional connectivity in the great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran in the U.S. and Bahamas. Frontiers in Marine Science.

20. Keller B, Finger JS. Abel D, Gruber SH, Guttridge TL. 2017. The effects of familiarity on the social interactions of juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology. 489, 24-31.

19. Bass N, Mourier J, Day J, Knott N, Brown C, Guttridge TL. 2017. Long-term migration patterns and bisexual philopatry in a benthic shark species. Marine and Freshwater Research.

18. Finger JS, Dhellemmes F, Guttridge TL, Kurvers RMV, Gruber SH, Krause J. 2016. Rate of movement of juvenile lemon sharks in a novel open-field; are we measuring activity or reaction to novelty? Animal Behaviour. 116, 75-82.

17. Kessel ST, Hansell A, Gruber SH, Guttridge TL, Hussey N, Perkins R. 2016. Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) catch per unit effort (CPUE) trends, Bimini, Bahamas, derived from a fishery independent, 32-year shallow water longline survey. Journal of Fish Biology. 88, 2144–2156.

16. Brooks JL, Guttridge TL, Franks BR, Grubbs DR, Chapman DD, Gruber SH, Dibattista JD, Feldheim KA. 2016. Using genetic inference to re-evaluate the minimum longevity of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris. Journal of Fish Biology. 88 (5), 2067-2074. 

15. Guttridge TL, Gulak S, Franks BR, Carlson J, Gruber SH, Gledhill KS, Bond ME, Johnson G, Grubbs RD. 2015. Occurrences and habitat use of the Critically Endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) in the Bahamas. Journal of Fish Biology. 87: 1322-1341.

14. Bullock R, Guttridge TL, Cowx IG, Elliott J. Gruber SH. 2015. Evaluating and controlling for effects of external tag attachment in sharks: Behavioral responses and recovery. Journal of Fish Biology. 87: 1342-1354.

13. Gledhill KS, Kessel ST, Feldheim KA, Gruber SH, Guttridge TL, Hansell A, Chapman DD. 2015. Genetic structure and population dynamics of blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) (Müller & Henle, 1839) from Bimini, Bahamas. Journal of Fish Biology. 87: 1371-1388.

12. Gallagher AJ, Vianna GMS, Papastamatiou YP, Macdonald C, Guttridge TL, Hammerschlag N. 2015. Shark diving tourism: biological impacts, conservation benefit, and future research. Biological Conservation. 184: 365-379.

11. O’Connell CP, Guttridge TL, Gruber SH, Brooks J, Finger JS, He P. 2014.Temporarily blinded lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) exhibit a heightened sensitivity to magnetic fields. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 453: 131-137.

10. Mellilo-Sweeting K, Turnbull SD, Guttridge TL. 2014. Evidence of shark attacks on Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) off Bimini, The Bahamas. Marine Mammal Science. 30: 3, 1158-1164.

9. Guttridge TL, Brown C. 2014. Learning and memory in the Port Jackson shark, Heterodontus portusjacksoni. Animal Cognition. DOI 10.1007/s10071-013-0673-4

8. Guttridge TL, van Dijk S, Stamhuis EJ, Krause J, Gruber SH, Brown C. 2013. Social learning in juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris. Animal Cognition 16: 55-64. 

7. Guttridge TL, Gruber SH, Franks B, Kessel ST, Uphill J, Gledhill KS, Krause J, Sims DW. 2012. Deep danger: Intra-specific predation risk influences habitat use and aggregation formation of juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris. Marine Ecology Progress Series 445, 279-291.

6. Guttridge TL, Gruber SH, DiBattista JD, Feldheim KA, Croft DP, Krause S and Krause J. 2011. Assortative interactions and leadership in a free-ranging population of juvenile lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris. Marine Ecology Progress Series 423, 235–245. 

5. Guttridge TL, Gruber SH, Krause J and Sims DW. 2010. Novel acoustic technology for studying free-ranging shark social behaviour by recording individuals’ interactions. PLoS ONE 5(2): e9324. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009324.

4. Guttridge TL, Myrberg AA, Porcher I, Sims DW and Krause J. 2009. Role of learning in shark behaviour. Fish and Fisheries. 10, 450-469.  

3. Guttridge TL, Gruber SH, Gledhill KS, Croft DP, Sims DW and Krause J. 2009. Social preferences in juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris. Animal Behaviour. 78, 543-548. 

2. Chapman D, Gruber SH, DiBattista JD, Franks B, Kessel ST, Guttridge TL, Babcock EK, Pikitch EK and Feldheim KA. 2009. Long-term natal site-fidelity by immature lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) at a subtropical island. Molecular Ecology. 18, 3500-3507.  

1. Krause S, Mattner L, James R, Guttridge TL, Corcoran MJ, Gruber SH and Krause J. 2009. Social network analysis and valid markov chain montecarlo tests of null models. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology. 63, 1089-1096.  



Book Chapters.




Personality in Nonhuman Animals

Finger JS, Dhellemmes F, Guttridge TL. 2017. Personality in elasmobranch fishes with a special focus on sharks: early evidence, challenges and future directions. Springer Volume. Personality in Non-Humans. Springer Nature. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59300-5_7 - LINKED HERE

 Field and Laboratory Methods in Animal Cognition

Guttridge TL, Yopak K, Schluessel V. 2018. Elasmobranch cognition. In: Field and Laboratory Methods in Animal Cognition - A Comparative Guide. Cambridge University Press. July 2018. - LINKED HERE

 Shark Research Emerging Technologies and Applications for the Field and Laboratory

Mourier J, Ledee E, Guttridge TL, Jacoby DMP. 2018. Network analysis and theory in shark ecology: methods and applications. Emerging Technologies and Application for the Study of Shark Biology. Eds: Jeff Carrier, Michael Heithaus, Colin Simpfendorfer. CRC Press. August 2018. - LINKED HERE

 Shark Biology and Conservation - Essentials for Educators, Students, and Enthusiasts

Abel D, & Grubbs RD 2020. Shark Biology and Conservation: Essential Information for Enthusiasts, Educators, Naturalists, and Students. John Hopkins University Press. *Tristan contributed the Chapter: Behavior and Cognition.  - LINKED HERE

Shark and ray social lives: form, function, and ecological significance of associations and grouping.  

Papastamatiou YP, Mourier J, Vila-Pouca C, Guttridge TL, Jacoby JMP. 2022. Shark and ray social lives: form, function, and ecological significance of associations and grouping. The Biology of Sharks and their Relatives. Eds: Jeff Carrier, Michael Heithaus, Colin Simpfendorfer & Kara Yopak. CRC Press. June 2022.